Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2013

5 Fragen an ... Wayne Simmons

Wayne Simmons, erstklassiger irischer Horrorautor, hat auf deutsch bisher zwei Titel bei Voodoo Press im Rennen: Grippe und Zum Sterben schön - demnächst folgt mit Inkubation eine Fortsetzung zu Grippe. Im Zusammenhang mit einer Rezension von Zum Sterben schön habe ich ihm fünf nicht allzu ernste Fragen gestellt.

- Die Website von Wayne Simmons
- meine Rezension
- Grippe, Zum Sterben schön und Inkubation bei Voodoo Press
- 5 Fragen an Voodoo Verleger Michael Preissl.

1 - Drop Dead Gorgeous feels very authentic. I imagine you walking through the streets of Belfast, mumbeling »here a scene, there some action, let's destroy this shit« and things like that. How wrong am I?
Ha! You're very right! My formative years were in Belfast, spent drinking in the dirtiest and sleaziest clubs the city had to offer then wandering home drunkenly at silly o'clock. I'm sure I often dreamed about wrecking the place, apoc-horror style. And lo and behold, a novel was born!

2 - Are women superior to men?

Only if you want them to be.

(Or so I'm told).

3 - Do you really think, there is/should be a chance to reboot and upgrade humanity?

I think, in reality, we reboot ourselves. The survivors within 'To Die For' go through a process of change. None of them remain the people they were at the start of the book by the book's climax. And that's what humanity is: a process of evolution, of growing and learning and, hopefully, improving.

Is that what the message in 'To Die For' is? Who knows? Maybe.

4 - How many books ahead are you usally planning?

I tend to work on several projects at a time, jumping back and forth between them. At the moment, I have five books in various stages of completion. Variety is the spice of life, I say :-)

5 - Are there any Wayne Simmons groupies that you are aware of?

Ha! None that I know of. But applicants always welcome! :-)

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